Approx. 200-235 lbs

Available NOW for Local Pick Up or Shipping within the Continental US!

When you buy Colorado bulk beef directly from Wiens Ranch, you'll receive the freshest premium beef in the Rocky Mountain region. We sell WR Premium Beef on a first-come, first-serve basis. We have been available right now, so place your order soon.

Benefits of WR Premium Beef

  • WR Premium Beef hangs our beef for 14-21 days (compared to the industry standard of 0-3 days).
  • WR Premium Beef is professionally processed locally, in the most humane environment for our animals.
  • WR Premium Beef is vacuum-sealed and labeled.

What to Expect

Our animals are raised and finished on our ranch in Sedalia, Colorado. They thrive on pastures at the base of the Rocky Mountains. The purchase price includes processing and packaging. When it comes to purchasing beef there are 3 different weights of the animal you should consider:

  1. Live Weight: the weight of the cow when it is harvested.
  2. Hanging Weight: this is the weight of the cow after the hide, organs etc. have been removed.
  3. Cut Weight: this is the weight of the cuts of meat after the beef is aged and processed - the meat you take home.
Due to the custom nature and limited availability of our products, refunds for deposit paid or refunds for full payment are not available.